>>36389445This doesn't mean anything, they always do next year's VGC ruleset before the next set of mainline games come out. And they always tailor those rules to what's already out.
>>36392334>The game is also designed with doubles in mind.No, it's not. The single player, which is what the vast majority of players will ever experience, is centered almost entirely around singles, and the games' mechanics, which haven't changed significantly at their core, were designed around singles.
Yes, Gamefreak balances some Pokemon with doubles in mind. Yes, doubles tends to be faster thanks to stall being harder to pull off.
But it's still a terrible move to alienate most of the playerbase by forcing official competitions to be played in a format most players don't care for. If they're fine with VGC remaining niche, more power to them, but if they want bigger turn-outs, I'm just sayin', I think singles would be more conducive to this goal.
That said, VGC has much worse problems going against it than a niche battle format. I remember way back when VGC used to give out event Pokemon at regionals and didn't charge a fee to get in. Now event distributions are fucking Worlds only and you have to pay like, what, forty bucks just to enter? This is fucking asinine for Pokemon.
Also, this is more personal, but I'm still pretty miffed about when they moved Texas regionals from Arlington to Houston. It was nice having basically a Pokemon themed convention within driving distance, and I imagine people traveling to this regional from out of state don't appreciate having to go a greater distance to get there. Though who the fuck knows, maybe Houston is really nice.
Regardless, VGC kinda a shit.