>No abilities>No held items>Only original 151 +1 which will probably be in gen 8 anyways>Gym requirements>Nerfed trainers and 2 vs 1 matches>No wild battles>Pokedex doesn't add anything new>No breeding>Probably handholding the whole game>Friendly rivalThese games really don't seem to do anything right really. The graphics also look pretty bland, to the point even SM and the GC games did it better.
No wild battles make training even more annoying, having to always capture the Pokemon instead of being able to just OHKO it
Pokemon Amie being aviable just to your starter makes the actual connection with your other Pokemon feel bland and fake
Handholding and wild Pokemon in the overworld take away the exploration and effort of getting rare Pokemon
No Pokemon from other regions (besides Alola Forms) will be odd even for people who have played Pokemon GO and are now familiar with Pokemon from gen 3
Game Corner and Safari Zone were the only 2 minigame-like places these games had, yet they are scrapped
We've had 12 different main games (not counting Platinum, Yellow, Crystal or Emerald) and none of them has taken away any of the core mechanics, yet is always the first Pokemon game for a lot of people and they are alright with those features. There's no reason to scrap them at this point.
>>36419070I agree that's a good thing, but without cross-gen evolutions, abilities or held items, most Kanto Pokemon are shit, and the most broken Pokemon are ironically the ones that get a Mega.
>No held item makes Pokemon like Pikachu and Marowak pretty useless>No cross-gen evolutions make Pokemon like Electabuzz and Onix a joke>No abilities turn Pokemon like Golem or Machamp really bland>Mega Evolution give a massive advantage to monsters like Gyarados, Alakazam, Gengar, Mewtwo and Slowbro>>36419167>BalancingHow?
>Riding PokemonThe only good feature
>Following PokemonIt was already datamined 2 years ago and was also present back in HGSS