>>36429262>GreenAn absolute cunt and arsehole, but that's fine. He's a great motivator as someone you always want to be better than.
>SilverI like him but he is a little needlessly edgy. I never though much else about him until realizing he was feared by some Rocket grunts and that made his character feel a bit stronger.
>HoennBad rivals. Literally give up the fight and Wally has to pick it up for them. Even GF acknowledged that with the post credits battle in ORAS. Also hate how May is genuinely nice while Bredan is some kind of tsundere faggot.
>BarryA nutter but has a lot more personality. He's honestly a better version of Hau to me. He's got a lot of energy and would probably tire me IRL, but it makes me somewhat likable.
>UnovaI like Cheren and Bianca. They both go through their own mini arcs and more or less accomplish what they want. Cheren more so in BW2 where he becomes a gym leader. Hugh is hilariously edgy. That said I can't hate a guy mad over his cat, I could relate. He's a comedy version of Silver and I love it.
>KalosWhat the fuck happened? Three retards, one being jailbait and a possible attempted love interest dropped and then the other player character just looks so fucking sad when they lose to you. Its all the worst qualities of Gen 3's rivals and an added pinch of sadness. Though the rivals being shit and underdeveloped is much like X/Y as a whole.
>AlolaHau is sweet. Hard to hate but a paper-thin nice character. He's also the worst "champion" period. I might have nostalgia for Silver but Gladion really is a better Silver. He turned the edge up to 11, with some extra JoJo spice because why the fuck not, and feels more like a manga Silver with the parental abuse thing being good enough motivation to his character. Or at least because Ultra fucked the narrative even more that it already was. Having a lesser legendary pokemon with that kind of bulk made him a decent enough challenge for an early Pokemon fight. More than Hau anyway.