>>36446360Pick Mudkip or Torchic, Mudkip is preferable but Torchic is also really solid. Treecko takes too long to learn any good moves, sadly. Plus Grass is just not as good a type, especially solo-Grass when you compare the really good type combos of Water/Ground and Fire/Fighting.
Breloom wrecks shit if you find a Shroomish in the forest. Ralts is the other early game mon with good potential but it won't really pull its weight until it learns Psychic as a Kirlia and even then it doesn't excel until Gardevoir. If you have a friend to do trades with, Alakazam is the best choice.
Electrike is absolutely solid and there are a LOT of water types in the game. As for water types, if you didn't pick Mudkip and you have the patience to endure it, Feebas into Milotic really is good ingame. I managed to find a Feebas in a recent Emerald run in like, 20 minutes, shockingly. Raised up a Mild one. Late-game, if you can hold off, have Staryu as well, and Starmie wrecks shit.
As for flying types, Swellow and Crobat are very good but not the absolute best flyers you can get. Flygon is great but you have to babysit Trapinch and Vibrava. Late game brings Bagon, giving you Salamence, which is the best.