I love how they use the pokemon actual movesets and try to visualize how these movements would work in a real time environment. Things like how they made Swords Dance work, Dig, Rapid Spin, etc, are fantastic.
The fact that they try to keep some moves unique for each fighter (even though others are shared, like the elemental punches) really accomplishes making each one unique.
Surprisingly, they also seem to know a lot about the meta game and what people used both in comp and ingame: Scizor with SD + Bullet Punch, Sceptile carrying its original signature, Empoleon with its HM moves... and then there's the bycicle guy breeding with a Volcarona in the background.
I didn't had a lot of hopes when this was announced, but man, it came out much better than what I could've imagined. Shame its popularity seems to be pretty niche.