>>36550851Great for the Water parts of the game and other stuff. It helps you catch legendaries with the powder moves and can survive to neutral battles thanks to its recovery moves.
>>36552064Never used it in story, but it can be really strong in battles. Normal types fear it, and it is amazing against Fire and Dragon which are part Flying.
>>36552147Based Stab priority move + elemental fang. It's nice, but I use the day form just because I don't like to use event/Legendary/Mythical Pokemon during main story.
>>36552202Bug/Steel combo is very nice to have. Boosting moves and stalling can be very useful with a thing that cannot be poisoned and has only one weakness.
>>36552289>PoliwrathNot my favorite, but can have a nice variety of moves with 2 Stabs and Ice Beam. It is also easy to obtain and has a nice bulk.
>GolemDespite its 2 heavy weaknesses, it can hit very hard every Normal, Flying, Fire, Rock, Poison, Steel and Ice type if they are phyisical attackers. Else, you can always Sturdy+Explosion for the lols.
>KinglerI can't blame you because of Water being special, but from gen IV onwards, it gets to punch very hard. Give it a Scarf or Band and enjoy sweeping monotypes in the game.
>MamoswineIce Shard literally murders every Dragon. Earthquake hits especially hard even to Pokemon who resist ground. You don't fear to get paralized, and you have an excellent physical bulk.
>ToxicroakJust avoid Psychic types and let it drink water. You have a nice coverage thanks to Fighting type, and you can get to enjoy Sucker Punch a lot.
>BouffalantChoice Band Return fucks everything up if they don't resist Normal types. If they do, then EQ them.
>GogoatI used it during my first XY play. It is not bad, it's just that there are better grass types. You can still use Horn Leech and abuse from Sap Sipper a lot, and Bulk Up, too.
>CameruptI don't blame you