A 2001 game by Eidos-confirmed graphics whores, lets be clear.
>>36556731As I understand it, the PS2 was the better machine at peak optimization but was a labyrinthine piece of garbage to work with, while the Gamecube's entire MO was to be super easy to work with, thus the Gamecube typically had better looking multiplats and PS2 ports of former exclusives all had visual and technical reductions, but the PS2 shone brighter in the end because its market share demanded everyone learn how to use it. Of course we'll never really know now.
The saddest part is that Ninty made the Gamecube that way because they had deliberately made the N64 a labyrinthine mess in hopes of achieving a PS2-like result (which on its few very best days it kind of did). No doubt another reason they left the power race.