>>36604118Why would I? You are not dead unlike every gen before you.
>>36604370Aye. When I was playing few weeks ago I saw a ton of people online. Some of these people were even replying to me with "Nice!" after I gave them O-powers.
>>36604234>XYGreat soundtrack, customization, free movement, PSS, Amie, Super Training, Horde battle, Chateau, better interface, huge Pokedex, alright TM placement, easy grinding (whether it's experience, EVs, berries, money or perfect Pokemon).
Also, benches.>ORASPokeNav Plus, much better soundtrack and graphics, actual movepools with good TM placement, improved characters (e.g. rival and Wally), improved Secret Bases, Sea Mauville, non-shit Victory Road, decreased encounter rate.
>SMEngaging storyline with unique atmosphere, HM removal, Pokepelago, new IV checker, Pokefinder, customization.