>>36618005Some of these things appear every generation. The fact that you put starter pokemon of all things on your list is already not a good sign and I already said I wasn't going to say anything about Audino but whatever
>LiepardDidn't we already have a Persian "clone in Gen IV? And don't bring up the "Their more similar" argument because that's dumb
>StoutlandArcanine was supposed to be a legendary pokemon but was changed, Stoutland is just some dog. You're grasping for straws here
>MusharnaThe dream gimmik dropped with hypno. Musharna kept it
>Excadrill, Swooat, Darmanitan. Seismitoad, Zebstika, Swanna, Jellicent, Bouffanlant, Amoongus(Except this is dumber),Sawk/ThrohSee
>>36618049>ConkeldurrIs based on a construction worker while Machamp is more of a fighter. They just have similar stats, movepool, etc.
>GigalithIs the same case for conkeldurr.
>GarbodorSentient garbage to highlight New York's garbage problem
>Torn/Lando/ThundoBased on gods of storms. The birds just have different elements
>GenesectModified fossil mon while Mewtwo is a clone
>VictiniLiterally have nothing in common
Not the stupidest list, but really fucking up there.