Future AlphaSapphire team, first 3 will be special, last 3 physical.
>>36617569I like it, it looks nice in its entirety, even if I despise Swellow
>>36617740Really nice team, but I'd choose anything else instead of Eon Duo, just because they're legendaries tho
>>36618273Well-rounded team, they're all great. I really like Altaria and Medicham
>>36618352I'd suggest a Sneasel if you're willing to wait to evolve it. Not a fan of Gloom evos, but cool team
>>36619347Best team so far, Protean Kecleon has been on my last AS team and it's so fun.
>>36619428Using an Eeveelution totally invalidates your statement, but yeah, the rest is cool.
>>36619429Nice team for a Nuzlocke, well-rounded
>>36619546>Whimsicott>Galvantula2 of the best mon in the whole series, it's a pity you used Stoutland, I can't stand using it.
>>36619548Turned out to be a comfy team. Good luck with that Larvesta, that friend was a bitch to you.
>>36619719Meh, but I like the concept of getting rid of HM slaves
>>3662007310/10 idea, might steal it
>>36620243Heh, not bad but not great either.
>>36620294Which game? Also Sentret is awesome to see.