The first thing you should do is join the main community discord
>b-butI know what you are thinking, you want no part of some discord circlejerk. But a key part of fighting games is being able to improve and get practice with other players who can actually give you feedback rather then randoms online, as well as being able to keep up with new combos, tech, etc.
Pretty much the entire community for the game is centered around, so if you intend to actually get into the game you should join it and then your character's specific server even if it's just to lurk
>who should i main /vp/?Run through the combo dojo and movetest thing in training for each character, play who feels right the most. Or if you have a specific sort of playstyle you already know you like I can give some specifics.
Pic related was made before aegislash and blastoise were a thing but is still mostly valid