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ITT: design an evil team

No.36637009 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>team talon
>their goal is to legalize game hunting and make a trophy out of every species of pokemon
>leader's name is Nimrod
>he's a /fit/ blonde tan guy with an aussie accent(picture Steve Irwin but bigger) in a Crocodile Dundee get up
>personality wise he's, as his name suggests, a bit of a nimrod when it comes to daily life but hotblooded and brimming with confidence, making him a very charming guy to be around despite his villainous intentions
>he's also the most talented pokemon hunter in the world, known for feats like wrestling Machamp and lassoing Tauro
>his interest in hunting stems from his tragic past of having his hometown destroyed by *insert box legend here* and his ultimate goal is to mount said legend's head on a plaque for vengeance
>admins are an aristocrat named Zaroff(Nimrod's former mentor who also funds his operations) and Artemis(Nimrod's loyal apprentice)
>grunts all wear an outfit comprised of red tartan shirts, comically oversized red deerstalkers, black jeans and carry hunting rifles(which always malfunction and blow up in their faces because this is pokemon)