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/ssg/ Shitmon Solorun General

No.36652790 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
True Love Edition
Old thread >>36646539
Finish a game with your favorite funmon.
To count as a shitmon, it’s BST should typically be lower than 450. Also keep in mind the allocation of its stats, its abilities, its moves, etc. Just use your best judgement.

In the last thread, games were beaten by:
>Lickitung (Emerald)
>Chinchou (Emerald)
>Ambipom (Black)
>Emolga (White)
>Combee (Platinum)
>Dunsparce (SoulSilver)

Currently running, we have:
>Corsola (Emerald)
>Eelektrik (Black 2)
>Kricketune (Ultra Sun)
>Luvdisc (HGSS)
>Combee (Platinum)
>Quagsire (HeartGold)
>Dunsparce (SoulSilver)
>Skitty (Emerald)
>Xatu (Ruby)
>Nuzleaf (Emerald Nuzlocke)
>Wigglytuff (FireRed)
>Anorith (FRLG)
>Pikachu (FRLG)
>Dustox (RS)
>Qwilfish (Emerald)
>Hoppip (Pearl)
>Persian (TPP Red)
>Emolga (White)
>Ralts (Ruby)
>Oddish (Sun)
>Snorunt (Emerald)
>Aipom (Silver)
>Sunkern (Crystal)
>Morelull (Sun)
>Cherrim (HeartGold)
>Mareep (XY)
>Sandslash (Black Deluxe)
>Plusle (FRLG)
Among others, probably