>>36686541Stupidly spammable moves, on release Pixilate Hyper Voice and Return did as much damage as Outrage but without the confusion drawback, now it does mildly less but it's still incredibly spammable. It needs another type to resist it or an immunity, be it from a type or an ability.
Moonblast is fucking retarded, somehow was released with 95 BP when Ice Beam/Flamethrower/Thunderbolt got nerfed to 90BP for some reason but also gets to have 20% more chance of its added effect proccing.
Resists bug for literally no reason, it has been 5 years and nobody can guess why, some theories says it's because of Japan's hateboner for Heracross and others because of U-Turn spam, neither are right or wrong, chances are it resists bug just so it's guaranteed to have fewer bad match ups.
Took away ice type's niche as a dragon killer.
Took away psychic type's niche as a fighting killer, though I guess Lele is also Gamefreak's first love letter to the type in a long time so it kinda balances out but not really.