[29 / 9 / ?]
Have you ever beaten a girl because of Pokemon? I have, and I kinda feel like an asshole about it.>Be me in 2016, 21 years old >Pokemon Sun and Moon just came out, I got Moon >Want to complete the regional dex while I play the story line >I can't get the version exclusives from Sun, so I have to trade with someone >Can't use GTS because Nintendo banned me for going online with pirated copy >Have no friends to trade with >Fast forward about 1 week after launch >At that point I'm in the second Island, still with no version exclusive Pokemon >Get on a bus with 3DS in bag >Spot a girl in a Kirby sweater playing 3DS >Looks like a total fucking autist >Sit behind her to get a glimpse of what she's playing >She's actually playing Pokemon Sun/Moon >Her timezones aren't inverted so it means she she has Sun >Realize I finally have the chance to get the version exclusives >Whip out my 3DS from my bag, approach her from behind >"Excuse me, you're playing Pokemon Sun right? I'm playing Moon! I thought I was the only one!" >She seems shy, can hardly speak like a normal person, probably actual autist >"Yes uhm... Y-yeah I'm play- playing it too, Pokemon Sun." >stop_fucking_stuttering.exe >"Cool, would you mind if I sit next to you? We could talk about the game together." >success.jpg
>>36711351 Cont.
>She seems to be very shy, but then starts to open up and won't shut up >She's 18 and going home from some private school >Idontgiveashit.avi >Shows me her team >It's total cringe, there are 3 water Pokemon in her team and all her Pokemon have nicknames >She starts explaining all the nicknames to me, as if I'd care >"I named this one Slimmy because it's so small, this one is named after my little brother..." >She doesn't get the hint that I don't care, I have to interrupt her >"Uhm okay, that's fine. You don't need to explain all of them to me." >She says something like "Oh.. sorry" and asks me about my nicknames >"I haven't given them any nicknames. Giving nicknames to Pokemon is just silly and childish." >Finally realizes how retarded she is and gets quiet >Try to finally get her to trade >"So you have Sun and I have Moon, so do you want to trade Pokemon? I want to fill my regional dex, but I have no friends to trade with to get the version exclusives." >She starts brightening up again, tells me about how she doesn't have any friends either >please_not_again.html >"No, I DO have friends. Just no friends with Pokemon Sun." >Only says "Oh.." and is quiet again >Actually I'm friendless too, but I needed her to shut up >We finally start trading >"I need your Cottonee" >She tells me she doesn't have a Cottonee to trade >bitch, it's literally in your party >"Yes, but he is part of my team and I don't have a second one." >Start raising my voice >"Then go and catch one! I will have to leave after a few minutes" Anonymous
>>36711352 >Says something like "Y-yes, o-okay", goes to that flower field and tries to catch Cottonees >stop_fucking_stuttering_i_swear_to_god.txt >No luck, she's not encountering any Cottonees >"There's no time left, just give me the one you have" >"But I can't give you Luke, he's part of my team and I need him!" (she named the Pokemon after her fucking brother) >She's about to cry >The bus stopped and I have to get out >I will get my fucking Cottonee.gif >Snatch the 3DS away from her and run out of the bus >Bitch starts running after me, begging me to stop while crying >Fuck_no.iso >Give up and angrily slam the 3DS on the ground as hard as I can and run away >She stops running after me >mfw I never got a Cottonee >mfw the game was shit anyway Honestly it wasn't worth it at all and years later I still regret it. I hope the girl's okay.
>>36711355 You better be making this up anon.
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>>36711355 that was an entertaining story about bullying and internalized homophobia. Well done!
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>>36711352 >>"I haven't given them any nicknames. Giving nicknames to Pokemon is just silly and childish." Anonymous
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>>36711351 wow anon, you're either the biggest fucking loser ever or you have some real mental issues or you're a compulsive liar, which one is it?
>>36711374 pasta
was posted already
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>stealing a strangers property, throwing a tantrum, attempting to break it >She’s the autist
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tfw no autistic gf
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>>36711374 I wish I was, anon. But I changed, I wouldn't do something like that again.
>>36711425 I posted this a few weeks ago too. I can't get it out of my mind, so I decided to post it again.
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I hope you do see her again, so she can kick your entire team’s ass with Luke, her now OP Whimsicott
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>>"I haven't given them any nicknames. Giving nicknames to Pokemon is just silly and childish."
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>>36711351 This thread again... fuck off.
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>people falling for obvious pasta eat shit retards
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>>36711351 >>stop_fucking_stuttering.exe Aaaand this is where I'm predicting you to be a sociopathic asshole. Let's see where this goes.
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>>36711351 This thread again.
Anyway, kys unironically. There are so many things wrong in your story, like what's the fucking autistic purpose of completing the dex before the Hall of Fame or being so retarded to get banned from gts. Everything that could have gone wrong, you let it go wrong. Fucking kill thia guy with a plastic bag already.
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>>36711351 I want someone to beat op and the original person in this copypasta with a stick!
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>Have you ever beaten a girl because of Pokemon? I have Stopped reading right there because I knew I won't be able to ahndle the autism
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You’re either either so autistic you’d do something like this or so autistic you’d lie about it on a Pokémon imageboard. Either way, holy shit your autism is off the charts.
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>>36711351 we had the same thread last week
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Shut up old dumb bastard. Who cares about competing the pokedex in 2018, noob?
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>>36711351 >>36711352 Fun fact from /hbg/: the only people who got banned from playing pirated copies online were the ones who played them before the release date when they got leaked
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>>36711351 >>36711352 >>36711355 This will never become a copy pasta you fucking autist, now take your fakeass story
>>>/out/ Anonymous
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>>36711351 She was rooting for you, you could have get her skitty and the cottonee but you preferred being the actual autistic manchild scumbag and got yourself bad karma'd to oblivion.
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>>36711351 >looks like a total fucking autist Seems like this description might fit you too, since you weren't able to feel empathy at the moment nor understand social cues. Good work. Hopefully you don't fuck up again, but who knows, you already tried to steal from an innocent. Might even become a convicted felon in the future.
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>>36711351 >>36711352 >>36711355 you forgot to add the part where you curbstomped at least 5 minorities on your way home after getting off the bus while also getting multiple blowjobs from 10/10 staceys at home while browsing /vp/.