Quoted By:
2018/10/9 15: 21, Ahrimann? Homo? Contamination? Hippocampus? Would you like something? Poo
15: 16, could you hear the baby's voice? A fairy tale writer? Homo? Contamination (contaminated)? Nursing care Yukari Gunpowder?
15: 14, Did you think that there was a friendly idea against fake fathers who switched? Is it because of my baby?
14:55 on October 9, 2018, should I do bad things for Chisso (company)?
14: 39, contamination? Submarine (submarine)? New Year? Strangeness in the hole of the nose! The voice of a baby that is about to cry?
14: 25, Monkey Magic songs! Billion Umen? 14: 31 Are you happy? Because of the baby ??
14: 11, Submarine (submarine)? Lesbian? 14:23 The worst and baby's voice from behind!
14: 08, Ehmi? lilac? Butt? Honor love? Strangeness in the hole of the nose! Cabala (qabbalah)? Coinword?
13: 52, butt? Honor love? Dogeza? Chihuahua? lilac? 13:54 Small bug! 14: 03 Cocaine?
13: 48, Infinite Tropico (dictatorship state simulation in the southern country stage)? Would you like something? High school degree
13: 44, The sense of incompatibility of the buttocks? Country K? I hesitate with the voice of a baby ~~? 13:45 I feel strange in the hole in my nose!