Hey guys, not to add to the whole "real, not real" debate, but I think I found the inspiration for the grass starter and fire starter, whoever designed them.
The snake fits with the Horned Serpent, a native american mythical creature said to be a snake with horns, a diamond in it's forehead, and scales that "shined like sparks of fire". They are considered water snakes, but are also linked to storms and thunder. I'm guessing the person who made them intends it to go fire/electric.
The grass starter I do not think is an armadillo, but rather a Raccoon Dog (look at the tail as well as the head). It's design really seems to fit the story of the Owarezaka, a japanese yokai about a trickster Raccoon Dog (called Tanuki). The story essentially involves a talking tree stump that when split in to, will get the Tanuki to show it's true form and apologize. Does that grass Pokemon NOT look like a tree stump split into two? Like a raccoon dog chaining from stump to raccoon dog? (Would totally peg that thing as grass/dark because it's described as a trickster)
Again, not trying to argue if it's real or not, only that whoever designed it had some cool inspiration and forethought.