You can see OP is a shitposter by the way the thread became super agressive the moment actual posters came to vote
>>36766899>avod engaging the pokebarneyfag, as he/she will just go crazy and start samefagging at you and the whole thread for a few days if you trigger her.You were absolutely right, I just should have ignored the shitposter, but I wasn't aware those threads were made by pokebarneyfag too, I thought it was some kid taking advantage of europe and usa not voting yet, but just look at the crappy samefag she already pulled off:
>>36767394>>36767316>>36767475Pokebarneycunt, I heard you're already doxxed, you shouldnt be here. And even if you weren't famous as the worst shitposter in /vp/ history, the way you samefagged against those posts yet reused all your favorite buzzwords, also ignoring that the one replying to me called you "pokebarneyfag" is proof that it's you. The vote went up the moment americans and europeans come to vote yet conveniently don't count when you don't like them, yet the ones a couple minutes in when only you was here do? That alone proves the yes option is the legit one since you clearly got triggered that you couldnt manipulate it like you admit to.
You're scared your corrupt scam got outed and isn't working out, so I know you'll samefag 2/3 times against me like a retard again, but I wanna make sure everybody knows you're making those shit threads, so enjoy another reply as you keep failing to rig your own poll, scum.