>>36774118there's not much important at 111/112 speed that Lycanroc needs to outspeed or tie with
>Purugly (112)nonexistent
>M-Luke (112)Midday Lycanroc can speed tie but is OHKOed by Bullet Punch, same as Dusk
>Scolipede (112)Irrelevant because Lycanroc can hit it with Accelrock if it needs to
>Midday Lycanroc (112)True, Dusk Lycanroc loses this match-up
>Tornadus-I (111)literally nonexistent
>Thundurus-I (111)Also nonexistent since Koko is better but yes, Dusk Lycanroc doesn't want to stay in on it since it will either be crippled by Prankster T-Wave or KOed by Superpower
anyway there's a bunch of shit is speed-ties with at the 110 tier so you're usually better off using something like M-Aero if you for some reason you need a fast, offensive Rock-type