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As someone who has played Pokémon games since their inception, this game really appeals to me. I’ve never cared for breeding or playing against others online. I’ve always just completed the story/end game content, collect all the Pokemon as I can and then call it a day. Pokemon Let’s Go Pikachu takes me back to my childhood with some improved features like updates graphics, no more monotonous wild battles, and co-op. And I do not mind the new catching mechanics. It honestly saves me time and as an adult, I like that a lot. It’s Pokemon as I remember it but with some twists, and that’s awesome. And I can play it on the TV, which is something I’ve wanted to do for years now.
The hardcore Pokémon players may despise this game, but I honestly couldn’t care. Their whining and complaining won’t change a thing and this game will be very successful, proving once again that the internet vocal minority matters quite little in the grand scheme of things.
The hardcore Pokémon players may despise this game, but I honestly couldn’t care. Their whining and complaining won’t change a thing and this game will be very successful, proving once again that the internet vocal minority matters quite little in the grand scheme of things.