>>36822189>The examples he posted are in no way based on monstersGrimer is a slime/blob monster. You wouldn't even think of sludge if it wasn't for the pokédex. You could've had an argument with Koffing but it's clear you didn't know it's based on submarine mines or you would've brought it up. You didn't know it because even though it's based on those, the design is creative enough to have its own identity. You think of the monster, not the object. It's the complete opposite of Vanilluxe.
>roggenrolla is based on some fucking rockYes but simply being based on an object does not put it on the same level as Vanilluxe or Meltan, you shit-for-brains. It's not just an object with face slapped on it. It could be made of a different rock or even steel and it would look just as good because there is a lot more to its design than the object that inspired it.
>magnemite is literally a magnetYou had NEVER seen something like Magnemite before it.
>And voltorb's mimic design is based on what it does in the games.Is that supposed to be an argument? Did you have a brain fart or are you really this stupid?
>what makes you think they didn't come up with an idea of a stalagmite first?Yeah they totally looked at a pointy piece of ice and said "that shit would be a great pokémon if it had a face" and somehow ended up spending more time making it look like ice cream. And surely Casteliacones had nothing to do with it.
>you can see clouds being puffed out of itThat animation alone would never make you think it does anything else but all it takes for you to believe otherwise is some flavor text. That's why they don't bother to do something better.
>What fucking argument is this?It's a suggestion, idiot.
>I guess every objectmon should be part ghost, I mean why not?It would help to explain why a pile of ice has a face and floats for no reason. And it looks like a ghost, for crying out loud!
>>36826283Plenty of people dislike Vanilluxe. Stop being delusional.