>>36806552He's been a noob trap mon since gen 4, when people saw his stats and Motor Drive and thought they were hot shit for running GyaraVire (they weren't, everyone saw through that shit and it didn't work even when you got the boost).
>but he's a prevalent threat in PUOnly in low elo. Even in low elo he's only 26th most used, and with 1630/1760 stats he doesn't meet the 3.4% cutoff.
>so he clearly has some viabilityMaybe you can "make him work," but there's no reason to use Electivire over other Pokemon. He really just doesn't have anything going for him.
Now something like Weezing is actually pretty neat in OU, there are a lot of weird "undiscovered" defensive mons like that which get pulled out once in a while and do work. I think one of the OU room mods got pretty far with Poliwrath last gen, but didn't bother trying to rank it because it was a team-specific thing and the viability threads are more for new players than anyone else. Sadly Electivire isn't one of those super-niche mons, he's just shit