>>36813564Here is one idea. A fan game doesn't have to be so loyal to the franchise at all. You could remake the lore so that everyone only has one pokemon that is like their spirit animal and that's why people fight with them, because its an extension of them, literally. This concept is sort of in the His Dark Materials trilogy of books.
All wild pokemon are from those that have lost their spirit for one reason or another. You could use this to do a bunch of moral preaching or that it makes people into soulless NPCs and the severing of the bond is deliberately done by governments or overblown corporate power. The method could be brainwashing, a corrupt education system, subliminal messages, some technology, etc. Main point is Because of the advances of tech, pokemon are mostly considered obsolete.
What the player starts out with is a world full of wild pokemon that you need to try and reunite with its original human. This isn't always possible.
Official job description of pokemon catchers is just that, to catch wild pokemon and imprison them in storage systems (aka the PC). Some are even attempting to breed pokemon and sell specific ones that are useful in industry for profit. And they succeed.
The player's goal is to fight all this and stop people from giving up their pokemon, because he/she hates what the world has turned into and how people and pokemon are just cogs in a machine now.
Final boss could be some dude with a mega Klingklang or something.