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/fsg/ - Funmon Solorun General

No.36853637 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Not Dead Yet Edition

Previous full thread: >>36797218
Smaller thread: >>36852247

Finish a game with your favorite funmon.
>What counts as a funmon? + List of funmon
>Roms + randomizer to change starter into funmon of choice!WOg02CAI!8Js3488E9MZ5O-eHhY4rWg

Full Hall of Fame:

Previous thread victors to be added:
Wobbuffet (FRLG and GSC)
Swoobat (BW)
Omanyte (RBY?)

Keep us posted with your progress or if I missed someone, and don't forget to have fun. I can't edit the Hall of Fame doc, sorry.