>>36892419I find it weird, honestly. I played gen1 as a kid, and was obsessed with the anime and all, but moved to PC shortly after and my first contact with new games was much later when I emulated gen3. I played Crystal only because being able to do so on goddamn Sony Ericsson k800i was an absolute blast in itself. Only later when I started earning my own cash I bought myself DS and eventually 3DS to play anything beyond that, and my favourite pokemon right now are Pangoro and Tsareena. Gen6 and gen7 of all things.
That was a strange journey, and long breaks between different generations, but even so I was interested in seeing what the series introduced over time - and that's what those people DON'T have. They don't care, they don't want to catch up to everyone else, they just want to live in their nostalgia bubble of Kanto and generation 1.