Quoted By:
There's a fuckton of them for me.
Gen 1/2:
Wartortle (Blastoise is cool but I've always preferred Wartortle's aesthetic. Finding out about Missingno 181 all these years later is bittersweet.)
Haunter (nostalgia for the OG sprite/design)
Chansey (Blissey is pushing ahead even when you have a creative block)
Gen 3:
Torchic (not a fan of Combusken or Blaziken)
Sealeo (Walrein is an ugly fuck)
Gen 4 cross-gen evos:
Togetic (Togekiss is unappealing)
Rhydon (Rhyperior is unappealing)
AIpom (as above)
Electabuzz (as above)
Porygon 2 (as above)
Magneton (the Gen 4 cross-evos were a mistake)
Murkrow (again)
Lickitung (again.)
Magmar (again.)
Dusclops (...)
Gen 5:
Dewott (Samurott is not a great design imo)
Gen 6:
Pancham (did a NFE run once and this guy was my ace)
Floette (Florges ugly af. Eternal Floette when)
Gen 7:
Litten/Torracat (lol)
Steenee (Tsareena is a wasted opportunity)