Musicfag here. I wouldn't say LGPE's music is bad, just generic as fuck. And by "generic", I mean it was intentionally manufactured to trigger chills on people. Trumpets, low basses, throwing out acute bits here and there (which they seem to have done with electric guitars, mostly) usually trigger that reaction. It doesn't mean the music is great. It's like when you touch something hot and take away your hand right away: a reaction. When you're busy playing, you don't stop to listen, let alone think about this stuff, so you might think "fuck, I got chills! this is good!". Personally, I think that, as music, what we've heard so far is pretty lame, but as music with a purpose, it does an okay job.
Here's a good example from what I mean, from FFIX. This theme is only played once in the games, at the very beginning. It's your generic epic orchestral rpg theme (although rather good, imo), and my hypothesis is that it's only purpose is to hype you up for the rest of the game. It has everything: the dramatic start, makes you wait for the drums, and the main melody follows the pattern of notes falling > notes raising > notes falling from higher > climax. It's meant to take you on a wild ride, so as to say, keeping your brain busy and then dropping the climax, which never lasts long enough and leaves you wanting more.