Pokemon X and Y is a Failure and Nintendo is a Dying Conpany DownWithNintendo Sun 15 Dec 2013 15:44:20 No.16693518
/vp/, here is the truth. Pokemon X and Y, the latest generation of Pokemon, was a complete and utter flop in every aspect. Stop trying to reassure yourself that it isn't, you shills.
>b-but it scored good reviews
In case your autistic little brains haven't noticed, that was just jewgold from GameFreak doing the talking, not the reviewers themselves.
>but it s-sold well
Artificial sales don't count.
Face it guys, Pokemon is a tired, rehashed series, much like Nintendo's other series. This game made me realize how low Nintendo has went over the years, making me go outside to break every last Nintendo-related project that I owned. 3DS is a joke and WiiU is last-gen garbage, both home to the worst games I've ever played, and out of all those games, Pokemon X and Y are the worst games I have ever played in my entire life. Worse than Sonic 06, worse than Superman 64, worde than Big Rigs, worse than even ET for the Atari 2600. Nintendo is dying and will no longer stand up to the Microsoft and Sony juggernauts, the REAL next generation. If you can't accept any of this, then you are no better than pic related.
See you next year when Nintendo throws in the towel in the console buisness and Microsoft/Sony buy them, thereby having Super Mario 1937494724 and Pokemon Piss and Shit on the XBox One and the PS Vita respectively. We are the superior, silent majority, /vp/, and we will come back every year to remind you of Nintendo's downward spiraling status.