Imagine not being emotionally mature enough to process the mere existence of people different from yourself. Also, imagine assuming that all media must cater to your specific interests, even when there are other people outside your bubble who also consume media and want to relate to a protagonist. This could apply to either regressive extreme, not just the extreme left or extreme right, but the point remains: you are not the only person on earth with wants. You are not special for the genetic attributes you were born with. Who you become as an individual is the only thing that matters.
“The circumstances of one’s birth are irrelevant. It is what you do with the gift of life that determines who you are.”
This message was meant for eight year olds. If you are pushing thirty and still haven’t processed this incredibly simple concept, seriously reconsider your viewpoint. If all you are capable of doing is repeating buzzwords, you need to expand your intellectual horizons.
This novel of a post is probably pointless, but maybe it will reach someone.