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No.36966831 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Let's kill this fucking "But Let's Go will introduce new players to real Pokemon games" bullshit

No, it won't.

Let's assume for a moment normalfags do flock in numbers to the real games, what the fuck are they going to find? Is it going to be "Dark Souls" levels hard now that they aren't going suck their dick anymore? That's going to turn these retards off and not touch a Pokemon that doesn't have a "GO" in the title

Or are the real games going to be so hyper casualized they're going to kill off what's left of the core fanbase? Good job GF, you just murdered millions of already loyal and paying customers, hope you liked that tourny money, because you're gonna be seeing that shit again.

Or wait, how about they just split the series, surely THAT would please everyone? Which would be fine, except this Let's Go garbage was developed by GF, and not outsourced. Which means they will be spending money and manhours on both series and thus neither will really benefit and will stagnate even worse than they have before. GF will essentially fuck themselves over with overwork on two different "core" series.

tldr; LGPE fucked everything and nobody is going to be happy.