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No.36977430 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
What pattern do you think they'll use for the next Let's Go titles? Reminder that they're happening whether you like it or not

Still based on starter cutemons, with one being a pikaclone and the other a popular mon
>Let's Go Pichu and Togepi, Let's Go Plusle and Minum, Let's Go Pachirisu and Riolu, etc
Based on cutemons, but with more variety
>Let's Go Marill and Snubbull, Let's Go Skitty and Ralts, Let's Go Shinx and Buneary, etc
Instead of starters, based on legendaries like every generation after Gen 1
>Let's Go Lugia and Ho-Oh, etc
Based on the box mons of third versions, like LGPE is based on Yellow/Pikachu
>Let's Go Suicune, Let's Go Rayquaza, Let's Go Giratina, etc
Based on other legendaries
>Let's Go Entei and Raikou, Let's Go Latios and Latias, Let's Go Regigigas and Heatran, etc