You know, as someone who is ultimately not interested in the games, I'm actually sickened to my stomach. Wanna know why? Because anywhere I go, any site I go, you can't really escape it.
The game's pretty much everywhere. The marketing is through the roof and that legitimately disgusts me. I'm appalled at the fact that we've let Game Freak reign this supreme for so long without actually realizing what it all meant for our children. This was exactly what our parents were trying to warn us about. The incessant marketing, the pushing, the giant billboards, posters or anything that is even possible or capable of demonstrating this game. Good lord, I've never been so overwhelmed by incessant publicity. The Pikachu and Eevee faces which are so conveniently cute, just enough to "attract" even the coldest of hearts. This is what we're fucking objecting to our children and it doesn't matter if you even have a say about it, children will still buy it. Children will still persistently ask to their parents about buying "the latest Pokemon".
Fuck Game Freak. I really do mean it. It's not that children shouldn't be allowed to play these games, but Game Freak really does not give a crap about what we think, as long they sell and as time goes on, the series will become a husk of their former shell, whether you like it or not.