Let's Go Pikachu Eevee, are bland games that do nothing but hold your hand the entire way though, at no point does this game give me the freedom to catch what I want use, instead it just forces me find Pokemon good against the gyms, even if my Pikachu is able to solo her way though the gym, it feels like none of the choices I make matter in terms of the team I want to create, we have 152 pokemon in this game, why can't I just pick whatever I want instead of being told to capture a water or grass type Pokemon, or forcing me to level up my Pokemon to level 45 to fight a gym leader, even when the gym leader would still be a joke at level 35, this game is way to easy for it's own good, it just becomes a boring slog to get though, and the candy system is straight up broken to the point I was able to use them to make my level 30 Pikachu strong enough to beat a level 70 one, the master trainers are all a joke, and are just useless padding for the game, and the graphics for this sucks, anyone who said it looks good just baffles me, has nobody seen Mario Odyssey? That's a good looking game, Let's Go just looks like the phone game Pokemon Go, what works on a phone doesn't work on a console, and yet game despite looking awful still lags, it's clear that this game is nothing more then a cheap cash grab, that's barely worth $15, if your looking for a gift for Christmas, I suggest waiting Smash Bro's Ultimate so you don't waste your money.
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