>>37007837>LikeI like the concept of overworld pokemon, but it's done in such a lazy way in LGPE. Giving different pokemon certain movement patterns, like chasing you, or running away, or patrolling an area, would be great in a future pokemon game.
Following/riding pokemon is obviously a good choice and is genuinely the only thing about the game I like without any downsides attached to it.
I guess I think some of the characters are cute, but they're limited by the shitty graphics and lazy animations.
The "Pokemon Masters" are kind of a neat idea in their own right, but they could be handled a lot better than just slapping six of a pokemon into a team. I moreso like the fact that they actively restrict you from using items. It's a shame that doesn't stop them from being piss-easy.
I can't think of a fifth thing I like about the game, aside from no HMs, but I wouldn't really count that since LGPE didn't come up with it.
>DislikeThe removal of items, breeding, and abilities. This makes no fucking sense at all. The entire point of a remake is to recreate a game with modern standards. If you're gonna use the argument of, "WELL THAT'S WHAT THE ORIGINAL GAMES WERE LIKE!", then you should remove the physical/special split too. Abilities and held items objecitvely improve the gameplay experience, the only reason I can think of for removing them is sheer laziness.
The absence of difficulty, but this goes without saying.
The graphics. It looks so fucking awful, I can't fucking believe people can look at these games and think they're okay. They look like mobile games; the only reason people think it's acceptable is because people simply have lower standards for Pokemon, and Pokemon is allowed to be lazy because it's Pokemon.
Fucking waggle control wild pokemon catching minigame instead of just fighting.
Can't turn off EXP share, as if the game wasn't easy enough before, literally all you need is an on or off button.