>>37033039>m-muh shill boogeymanI guess you don't have any actual proof, then? Thanks for letting me know.
I only played the game for a little bit but although trainers seem to have fewer Pokémon, your own party's level seems to be lower, too, even with the mandatory exp share. I don't like the game that much but the fact that it's supposedly easier has very little to do with that. What I don't like is the removal of things like battling and capturing Pokémon, held items, and the overall poor graphics compared to the 3DS games.
>>37033073Are they that much stronger? Bulbapedia states that even with their stat buffs Pikachu and Eevee both still have BSTs lower (430-435 vs 530-535) than those of conventional starters like Charizard, Venusaur and Blastoise. They get better moves to make up for that. Also consider that movepools are not the same as they were in Yellow, Pokémon simply have access to far better moves today.
>>37033079It's just business. Game companies aren't to blame here, it's general education and a shift in mentality. Companies do what sells, and why wouldn't they? The only thing any company wants is to make a profit, it just so happens that producing quality games is occasionally a secondary result to that.