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No.37032449 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>Game journalists gave high scores which means LGBT is top-tier game
>no no no no Game journalists don't take money for scores, IGN's scandals are fake and PMD deserves the negative review cuz it's a bad game.
>Any criticisms on LGBT is just /vp/ being cancer, the game is flawless
>Serebii criticizing LGBT means nothing to us, the game is flawless, we don't need cheerleaders.
>every single negative reviews is just /vp/ being angry
>Reddit bombing metacritic for 10/10 positive "muh nostalgia" reviews is good, 4chan putting negative reviews talking about the game flaws is bad.
>It's a children game, it's ok if it has graphics from 2005 PS2 game.
>it's a children game, it's ok to have worse animations than 1998's Pokemon Stadium.
>Splishy Splash, Baddy Bad, Poopy Paplow, Zappy Zap are really fun XD
>haha Pikachu flying with balloons, this game is amazing XD
LGBT's cancerbase in a nutshell.