>>37049392Despite the bad reception to it on /vp/ I took a risk on this game and picked it up, and I chose well. Despite it not being as grindy and difficult as previous Pokemon titles, this is a very worthy Non-Mainline title to have the Pokemon lexicon behind. Ditching the overwhelming original random encounter system works very well in this game's favor, making the game feel faster and less drawn out, and the always-on EXP-Share system is very nice for evolving Pokemon you only wanna evolve to fill up the Pokedex faster. Catching Pokemon is fun (I use the Pokeball Plus FYI since I bought that version) and it's more engaging than previous titles due to this. Also considering it's hugely based off of Go, the goal is to catch as many Pokemon as possible, and you send them to Professor Oak who in turns gives you stat candy to raise the stats of your Pokemon, ditching the old ways of Stat Increasing items which were limited and extremely hard to grind Post-Game in older titles. If I wrote about more of the stuff I loved about this game I'd go on for another paragraph so i'm ending it here with this is a very good game and I'm happy I spent the money to get it.