Get ready for some textbook 'tism.
I have no way of posting a pic, but thanks to mercilessly abusing the GTS and releasing 64 Delibirds onto the Wonder Trade on Krimmus day, I had EVERY DAMN NON-LEGENDARY in Moon before hitting the Hall of Fame.
To be precise, that's 119 registered in the Melon Dex, 129 in Akala and Ulalalalalala, and a crisp 99 in the Horse Island Dex, plus Moonbat and Zygarde (I had 50 cells by the time I first reached Build-a-Snake Workshop). I caught Tapu Nono on my first try, so I actually got Melemele done before the credits finished rolling.
And I also had like three boxes of non-Alola Dex mons, including all eighteen fully-evolved past starters.
...My friends fucking hated me for taking so long and asking not to be spoiled.