>>37075604you're just being obtuse for no reason. the point of the matter is that if you want to use the cool new pokemon, hg/ss leaves you kind of fucked. you can get a team of 6 completely unique pokemon all with different types before the first gym in hoenn, all new to the series. in hg/ss, the coolest new pokemon you can get before the first gym is probably mareep or maybe wooper, they are the only pokemon that are not normal, flying or bug. in hoenn you have dark, psychic, water, and grass before going back to normal, flying and bug, and even those that share types are distinct. zigzagoon, slakoth and whismur are all pure normal types that you get before the first gym, but they're all very different gameplay-wise. linoone is an all arounder that doesn't specialize in anything, exploud is a unique mixed attacker with a massive movepool of special attacks that it can greatly utilize, and slaking is a monstrous powerhouse with a crippling downside. compare that to worse rattata, weak bug, slightly cooler weak bug, and worse version of a bird you get later that actually gets stab from psychic moves. it's not just that the early game johto mons are extremely limited, it's also that they're lame and outclassed by kanto mons, some found on the very same route. please explain to me why i should use ariados when beedrill is the exact same type, evolves sooner, is faster, and has a better movepool that it accesses much earlier.
>>37075655you wish fag.