[48 / 7 / ?]
Throw your ideas out there!>Region based off of the west coast; start in southern California, work your way up in a relatively linear, but lengthy climb. Protag first encounters the villainous team, a CIA/govt agency expy, in Los Angeles equivalent, where they're trying to put in hypnotic messages into movies. Cross a desert & bust their gambling ring in Los Vegas. High–tech San Fran/ sillicon valley city. Conflict between punk rock / hippie anarchist gang and the villian team in Eugene counterpart, then go to Portland. Perma-raining Seattle city w/ eighth gym leader (water or ice, maybe "Hailey" and make 'er a cute girl). Find villian base deep in Washington state forests, where they want to use the powers of the legendary duo cryptid (maybe mothman/bigfoot, and a fairy/water loch ness trio master) to hypnotize and enslave everyone. Conspiracy–solving, crying lot 49, paranoid detective vibe. >Germany region w/ aesthetic gap between modern west and soviet–ish, brown and grey, brutalist east. Maybe "Past and Future"? Villian team leader is a Heidegger–esque misanthrope who despises the advancement of history and modernity, villian team obs has nazi undertones. The region with which Kalos went to war. In the post game you travel to a tiny region based off of Luxembourg, a monarchy, where there's only one large town, and you head into the surrounding mountains, cliffs, rivers to confront wandering powerful postgame trainers. It'd have a mix of pokemon from Kalos and the former region, & it'd be luxurious and fancy. >A region that's WAY up north, more so than sinnoh; so much so that there's a significantly larger number of ice mons in its dex than any other region. The towns get smaller and smaller the further up you trek, and the game culminates (w/r/t the elite four, or the final encounter with the villainous team, or w/e story element if there aren't gyms) with an ice pyramid in the deep north among the mountains. Alaska, Greenland, or scandinavia.
>>37083410 >German region with villain team Nazi undertones Literally would never happen because GF wouldn't risk the game having to be censored or changed in Germany.
Spain/Southern France/Italy as a mediterranean region with some ties to Kalos, since that region has some potential that was never fully explored. Scandinavia or somewhere on Canada for a comfy cold region. Thailand or China for some nice oriental scenery that differs a little from the japanese-themed cities we've had so far. Egypt or Peru for cool ancient ruins, but considering that those countries are unlikely to be visited by GF, I doubt they'll ever be used as inspiration for regions in the main games.
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>>37083447 You'd only need to present them with the same degree of distinction that, say, team flare gets. its not like thered be npc dialogue about holocausting the jews.
>>37083410 That's a terrible map.
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>>37083458 egypts government is so corrupt that u should have to bribe the gym leaders to get badges
more seriously: what if the legendary duo is based off of alternative pyramid theories? like one's a giant humanoid, the other is an eldritch alien
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>>37083477 I just googled pokemon germany region tbqh
I'd like to see regions that are more hyperfocused, like how the original regions were based off small parts of Japan. Unova was cool because it was obviously the New York City landmass. I'm kinda biased because I live here but similarly the SF Bay Area would make a good region. But the whole West Coast? Unova wouldn't have worked if it tried to be the whole East Coast. Other America-based regions that would be cool would be Great Lakes (Detroit/Chicago) or maybe New Orleans (but they already did the french thing in X/Y) Personally I think other regions that would be cool are the Cape Horn areas of Argentina and Chile with the Falkland Islands and the Antarctic Peninsula, or maybe a region based on Greece and the Adriatic Sea.
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>>37083410 None I want Shitfreak to make a region from scratch in design and land area but copy paste cultures from the real world.
>>37083410 Region based off of East Germany where you fight against the Stasi and post game has you reunifying with West and unlocking it for exploration. BW-style pokedex where you can only get new mons and maybe some old ones by trading in Berlin. You wouldn't have a bike or lots of money and winning pokemon battles befriends your opponent who can tell you information like if the town nearby is selling a rare item, if there are pokemon swarms in the area, if there is a new story/extra event going on, planes dropping random items, etc. If they are part of the Stasi they'll tip you off on some special secrets too. Also you can only get money by beating Stasi members or working (minigames). Pokemon centers are only in cities with Gyms and every other settlement only refills your pokemon's health, not PP. Also the E4 are in West Berlin and are postgame.
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>>37083548 riveting cold war era political commentary
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Bask Country: Beaches, Mountains, Forests, Grass Fields, Desert, Cities.
I don’t have a specific place in mind, but more stuff like Unova. Tehemeatically I really love Unova.
>>37083568 >we'll literally NEVER get a region with as many entirely new, unique, exciting, interesting designs as unova Anonymous
>>37083602 This. Can anyone defend the design of Earth? It's just a fucking ball. What the fuck was god thinking?
>>37083670 >tfw we could've lived on a dodecahedron instead of a fucking ball Anonymous
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>>37083410 >villian team obs has nazi undertones. already done its team flare.
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>>37083410 I'd like to see the Netherlands equivalent. It doesn't have enough geographical diversity to make a full region, though, especially with it's particular lack of mountains. I'd imagine there'd be a lot of water types because of how the place is below sea level, and how a good chunk of it used to be submerged, a lot of grass types because the places that *were* submerges swampland are now grasslands, flying types because it's got a lot of strong winds due to it's geography, and finally a couple fairy types here and there because why not, it'd literally be Kalos's northern neighbour if they never bother to make a region based off of Belgium.
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>>37083548 Damn that sounds way too good for my poor mind
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>>37083447 Team flare is already based on nazism
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I would love to see Romania being turned into a Region but I doubt it will happen in the next year's considering they still need to turn a lot of other countries into regions like UK, Italy, Norway, Denmark, Australia, Greece, Canada, Spain, etc...
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>>37084314 Anon, do u remember about "vectors" when u took 11th grade physics
>>37083508 Unova was not as new york as you think it is.
The bridges are all based on European bridges except for skyarrow which is based on the rainbow bridge in japan (the arches are based on the Brooklyn bridge that's it)
The entralink is Tokyo imperial palace
All those Japanese based trainers like the lass and preschoolers
The Shinto shrine area.
All the characters have Japanese names
A lot of this was said in Nintendo dream so it isn't just headcanon either.
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>>37083458 >Thailand or China for some nice oriental scenery that differs a little from the japanese-themed cities we've had so far. Personally I'd love to see more nods to Tibet/Nepal and Mongolia, or even Vietnam or Cambodia. Everyone always goes for China and Japan, with the occasional, very rare acknowledgements that Korea exists.
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>>37083670 >>37083696 >ball Excuse you, you fucking potatoes, it's an OBLATE SPHEROID.
I want Russia for a rugged yet beautiful northern region steeped in mystery and mysticism.
how bout a hack of GSC and Detroit is johto and Windsor/southern Ontario is kanto and instead of the train u go under the tunnel
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>>37085156 That would be fucking nice. I can see they incorporating Sinnoh to Russia though
Long Island, New York. Post game lets you go through the entirety of Unova. You fight the player characters of Black/White/BW2.
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>>37087595 for those of you who might not understand the relation LI has to NYC.
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I'd like something more international. Imagine a game where you travel from country to country in a ship like the S.S. Anne stopping in major cities and exploring the local areas before moving on. Like you'd visit hong kong, an ancient chinese city like beijing, south american mountain temples, mega urban sprawl like LA, hiking in new zealand, surfing in australia/hawaii, stop in vermillion in japan/kanto for some nostalgia etc Just a bunch of varied shit where the cities are all independently contained and have different pokemon and your characters relationship with the other people on the ship are the main focus of the game
>circular region >desert, woods, snowy mountains and volcanoes >postgame Archi7 in Canary Islands
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>>37084619 >denialfag still can't accept that Unova isn't New York Anonymous
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>>37084619 >denialfag still can't accept that Unova is New York Why do you keep posting this same tired argument everywhere Unova is mentioned
Any sane person knows by now that it's clearly New York. If they wanted it to be Japan they would've just modeled it after some part of Japan like they did every other Japan based region. Grow up and stop denying the truth just because you hate westerners.
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There's a YouTube channel almost completely devoted to this concept -- turning real world countries/areas into Pokemon regions.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AUiOH6Bnim8&list=PLAFKLI87-7y5gkGea8C4AxSEl4BSgaziG Some of his ideas are good.
>>37085789 No, not USA anymore. There's way more interesting places to base a region
>>37089551 Windsor and Ontario are in Canada.
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>>37083410 i wana go to berlin and get fucked by a muscle daddy
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Unironically Mexico. >ancient ruins >jungles >forests >deserts >big developed cities >small comfy towns >mountains >pokemon can be based off mythological creatures (like Rayquaza is based off Kukulkán)
>>37089576 Ops replied to wrong post. It was adressed to op and an idiot that wanted a region based on Long island
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>>37083410 space. a futuristic region would be neat.