[42 / 4 / ?]
Quoted By: >>37086765 >>37086966 >>37087571 >>37088099 >>37088258
>7 generations
>still no dedicated hybridization mechanic
It doesn't even have to be like pic related. just breed two pokemon of certain types like Charizard and Feraligatr or Emboar and Wailord to get a new fire/water type pokemon
With this system gamefreak could cover every type combination and fill up to 3 entire dexes
>still no dedicated hybridization mechanic
It doesn't even have to be like pic related. just breed two pokemon of certain types like Charizard and Feraligatr or Emboar and Wailord to get a new fire/water type pokemon
With this system gamefreak could cover every type combination and fill up to 3 entire dexes