>>37131122>>37133085OP was clearly being autistic and turned a flirty shit test into damage control. She wasn't trying to attack him, she just wanted to get him to talk (literally started off with "why don't you talk shit about your ex?") and instead of being cool about it he lost his cool and made a faggot of himself. Simple as that. It wasn't "bantz" at all, it was invitation to the conversation because OP wasn't joining in himself, and OP was retarded for thinking it was anything other than that. Not understanding the difference between a playful jab and a spiteful personal attack is something that social autists do. There's nothing "playful" about bringing up miscarriages, that shit's an incredibly dark matter that's depressing if not utterly soulcrushing just because it deals with death.
A proper response would've either have been to be honest and say "Nah, I dumped my last ex. Didn't work out," or if he still had a thing/didn't want to talk shit about his ex just straightforwardly say "Sorry, that's not something I want to talk about with a coworker," and leave it there or change the subject in order to keep the ball rolling but in a better way.
I've known plenty of bald chads in my time, including my oldest brother. You gotta learn to live with what you have and work with it. Being so insecure about yourself that you feel the need to insult somebody for "payback" is the sign of a socially retarded beta. It's also pretty autistic how he makes excuses with how his insult wasn't "as bad" because he picked something she could change about herself, as though A, that was the only thing wrong with what he said, and B as though he can never be happy with himself or buy a damn toupée. What a loser, please learn from his mistake for your own social betterment.