DARKACHU the Dark Mouse Pokémon
bio: Darkachu was born with a special power. he was stronger than all his classmates in the pokemon fighting academy. he served in the pokemon military fighting team rockit and in the final battel against team rockit they were fighting and they turned him to the darkness and dakachu turned against pikachu and killed him. he lost a part of his ear in the battle which is why he doesnt not have a part of his ear, pls stop PMing me askin me why thats why. also earings arent gurly fuck you masuda everyone knos your a fuckin pokemon scammer fagot
likes: hurtin people, bein badass, motorcycles, nine inch nails (the band), killing, death, punk rock, jinco jeans, skulls, darkness, hot gurls with big boobys who are sluts, ninne inch nails (on finger), earings, purple (cool kind not gay kind)
dislikse: ash, pikachu, niceness, happiness, levis, kevin robinson from school fuck you kevin stop showin everyone my fuckin deviantart you peace of shit, trent razner, short nails, masuda (mega ass-faggot), sunshine, life, my dad, football