Catching pokemon has no feeling of accomplishment.
It's a 20$ game sold for 60.
It's a waste of potential by just remaking the world in a 1:1 format, and the scale of a setting made for a 30 year old machine really shows, and works at odds with the more real scale of the pokemon themselves appearing in it.
Mechanics I enjoyed like held items, abilities and breeding have been removed for the sake of simplicity.
Absolutely toothless rival...again.
You have to pay even more money to catch all pokemon.
Animations seem really cheap on a console like this. The abstraction was understandable for other systems, but in HD, it's seems really archaic.
Can access the box at any time.
Overworld pokemon encounters make caves much less of a pain, and I don't have to waste time with pokemon I don't want to..."fight".
Following/riding pokemon is nice.