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It was set in feudal Japan; a pale skinned woman with long black hair named Hoshi had been married to a samurai and they were trying to have kids. They tried for over a year, but they couldn't conceive, and she was getting more upset and ashamed about it as time went on.

One night while Hoshi was sleeping, Giratina (in the form of pic related) appeared to her and offered her a deal. Giratina told Hoshi he would give her a child if hhe agreed to give birth to an incarnation of Giratina. (In the dream, Giratina was a god of death, but wanted to experience what creating life was like.) Hoshi was desperate and agreed. Giratina then had sex with Hoshi in her dreams. (Giratina needed the sexual energy to build a bridge between the two realms so she could manifest in the real world.) During the sex, I remember Giratina said something like; "This human form is so weak, but the pleasures it brings are incredible!"

After some weeks of dream sex and a ton of creampies, Hoshi finally got pregnant. She went through the pregnancy (it was 9 months like a normal human pregnancy) and gave birth. But instead of a human child, Hoshi gave birth to a small version of Giratina's serpent form.

Giratina (6 legs form) which was its real form in its own realm, was pleased because the child would grow very strong very quickly and wreak havoc on the real world. So basically Giratina tricked Hoshi into letting an incarnation of death and destruction be born.

Well, I hope you guys enjoyed that little tale.