[30 / 8 / ?]
>10+ years ago, be dumbass kid >leave my copy of Diamond in a hotel room >had all of my guys from diamond plus fire red on there, basically my entire life for the past few years >Devastated, quit pokemon for a while >Present day, be dumbass "adult" >picked up pokemon again since Omegaruby >visit my parents house for christmas >go through my old vidya collection for the hell of it, find Battle Revolution >casually remember that you can copy pokemon from the DS games to battle in BR >... >Frantically dig up my old Wii, plug it in, put in the disc and turn that shit on >preparing myself to be disappointed to hell >but no, they're all here >my Torterra >my Uxie >my Staraptor >even all my guys from Fire Red >Everyone is here >Everyone is fucking here Since there's no way to transfer these guys from Battle Revolution, I'm gonna hack my 3ds and inject these dudes. I have their stats, moves, nicknames etc so I can do it as accurately as possible I'm really sorry for the blog post, but I'm really happy and also really drunk. I never would have thought that pokemon would give me this emotional impact at my age. I hope you guys have a merry christmas
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>>37244419 Happy for you, anon. I had a similar moment recently when I thought I lost all my mons by letting my pokebank pass run out, then found them in my copy of Y.
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Nice blog faggot but for real though congratulations man. I recently had my original copy of silver up and die on me. It had my Feraligtr on it, which even though Blue and Red where my first pokemon games Silver was the first one I understood what I was doing, which was truly the first Mon I connected with just disappear. Congrats on getting your team back.
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>>37244419 I was going to say that they're just copies of your pokemon from Diamond, but you already knew. If you want to inject to bring them back from the dead, maybe try and see if there's a way to access the save file and see their internal data (IVs, EVs, etc.) to make them true copies.
Also, Merry Christmas.
>>37244426 Fuck off, faggot.
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congrats on recovering your lost mons OP
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>>37244419 I lost my copy of Soul Silver, had everything on it. Never bought a Pokemon game after that until Ultra Sun which I regret, if I wanted to transfer my remaining pokemon from older games I would have to buy two DS games and a new DS because mine currently does not work
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hell yeah! merry christmas OP
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>>37244419 A "friend" of mine stoled and erased my Ruby and FireRed copies when i was 8, in 2003. I was devastated and depressed, cause I thought I lost all my bros (more than 300 hours played). The surprise happened when I realised that my starter Blaziken was in Colosseum for some reason, so he saved from the disaster and was the only survivor of the doomday. Today I still keep my bro in UltraMoon and will always be my most loved mon
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Happy for you anon, merry christmas.
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>>37244419 I'm happy for you, I had all my mom's in the pokebank and left for deployment, stayed longer than planned and lost them all. I'm actually glad that this was the Worst thing to happen
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Hell yeah anon, Merry ChristmasThis is why Battle Revolution is the best game
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>>37244419 Conglaturations OP. I lost my original copy of Diamond either in a hotel room or a rental car about 10 years ago too.
I still have a lot of 'mons from it on My Pokemon Ranch though, so at least there's that.
Have a merry Chrimbus my dude.
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I'm happy for ya Anon!
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>>37244419 It's a Christmas miracle! Enjoy it, Sinnohfetus.
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>>37244419 nice, i'd be so fucking happy, anon. Enjoy.
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>>37244419 Merry Chrismas Anon!
Just open your PBR file in pkhex and directly copy.
>>37247868 Which brew app's dump would you use?
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I had my DSlite stolen during Gen 4, but luckily I had FF 1&2 and IV in it instead of my Pokémon games. Took a while to get new ones, but those didn't have 300+ hours on them.
Could have just injected them. Would have been able to give them better IVs, EVs, and/or egg moves they might have been missing.
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That's pretty cool. Godspeed OP. Merry Christmas.
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>>37248953 Did you somehow miss the he lost the game over a decade part? How the fuck you expect him to remember every minute detail of every single mon he could have had so long ago?
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>>37244419 Congrats on the happy ending anon
Merry Christmas
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>>37244419 Holy shit, dude. I had the exact same thing happen to me, except i have no idea how I could possibly retrieve all of my mons sonce i never found my game again.
REMINDER Pokemons are nothing but a few lines of code. The code that makes your own pokemons unique is literally 3 lines.
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>>37250780 Based and injected
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>>37250780 REMINDER Human's are 99% the same DNA wise, the parts of your DNA making you unique are only 1%.
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>>37248193 Check the homebrew general at /vg/, read the sticky.