[84 / 11 / ?]
I honestly do not understand one bit of the hate against the anime. In fact most of the complaints are so stupid that it's clear that they are from people who only watch generic shonen trash like Black Clover because that's what the XYZ season was, generic shonen trash. Lets start with the complaints about the artstyle which is practically the main complaint about the new season. I think we can just throw this complaint out the window to be honest. XYZ fans, as the boring people they are, prefer the sharper more old school anime look which we all know, does not age well. Have you noticed that Studio Ghibli films never used these sharp facial features? Want to know why? BECAUSE OUR BLOODY FACES DONT LOOK LIKE PENTAGONS. Every series is moving to this more simplistic style. Just look at My Hero Academia, One Punch Man, the new Dragon Ball Super Movie, Boruto, Food Wars, and even the new Pokemon movies. All of these anime have significantly reduced how sharp the faces of the people are. Why do they do this? Well it's because it makes the fight scenes ten times better. They are way more fluid and impactful because they don't stick to one model. The characters are also way more expressive which leads me on to my next point. Another reason people seem to dislike this is because of the genre. No longer is the anime, boring, generic shonen garbage but it's much more of a slice of life style anime. It's a more relaxing take on the series especially considering that it's set in a tropical region like Alola. The fact that it's a slice of life anime, makes the story more relatable. Team Skull is amusing and team rocket aren't just doofuses anymore. The world is also much better built thanks to this. It actually feels like pokemon world. The artstyle of the new anime is also akin to what most slice of life anime look like... (1/2)
The characters are much more interesting in the Alola region. Kukui is the best professor. He has a proper connection to the students rather than just being a glorified PC box. This time he has multiple rivals, such as Kiawe and Gladion one of which is the extremely edgy type and the other the stronger friendly type. As stated before both Team Skull and Team rocket are not annoying nuisances but instead comedic gags. The friends are also much better than Clement and Serena who practically sucked the dick of Ash. This time there's a lot of bands between them making them feel like actual characters. Look at the scene where Rotom insults everyone and Lana can't hold herself back from laughter. The Pokemon are much more lively as well. They have better personalities unlike 90% of Ash's past teams. Then there is character development. Ignore anyone who says that Serena had character development. She just cut her hair and people went bat shit crazy. Sakura did the same in Naruto but there the fanbase continued to shit all over that moron. Basically the complaints are dumb. The anime is moving in the right direction which is the same direction that the whole industry is moving. Salty XYZ idiots just can't manage the fact that their beloved Serena is gone. SEETHE
>>37245853 >>37245865 Can someone be this obsessed?
No one cares, go back to your containment thread
>>37245853 every season of the anime is shit, no exceptions.
and imagine defending the terrible art style. everything in this entire season looks like the off-model frames from other series.
>>37245880 That's not what the DBS fans were saying when they saw this art style for the new movie. They were cheering it on. Why? Because it's better than the old artstyle of Pentagon faces and triangle shoes. Just because you want the anime to be as bland as you are doesnt mean it is good. It takes a rat to like shit.
>>37245879 >Containment thread Oh no no no. Then why don't we make a containment thread for everything. A containment thread for the games, containment thread for merch, containment thread for you etc.
>>37245879 This IS his containment thread, anon.
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>>37245853 >>37245865 I'm not agree with you.
>>37245893 No, there is a THREAD to discuss shit about this shitty anime, filled with faggots with shit taste that deny the fact that the anime is shit after the first season
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>>37245891 read
>>37245904 and crawl back to your containment
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>>37245904 and also, to clarify, the first season isn't a masterpiece either
It is no worse or better than any of the others. It is still inconsistent on so many levels, but their worst failure is not even knowing what kind of story they want to tell. That, to me, is a total failure to communicate, which is what the entire point of a story is.
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>>37245914 I will note that the entire anime has had this problem, so the entire anime is bad.
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>>37245904 And nobody there thinks SM is any good, which makes this a Nice containment thread for THIS faggot.
If you don't like the thread, just leave it alone instead of bumping it, it's not like anyone's actually discussing anything with OP anyway.
>>37245891 the new dbs movie doesn't look nearly as bad as sun/moon. how can you watch this shit and not think it looks terrible?
>>37245915 >Its a different opinion so it must be bait The absolute state of amourshippers
>>37245994 They look the same you moron. Go watch the anime before start spewing shit you stupid cunt.
>>37246029 dbs does not look like pic related.
>>37246039 >Ash then Looks like generic toriyama trash. He has a Pentagon for a head and his nose looks like it could stab someone
>Ash now He looks way more expressive. Looks like an actual twelve year old and his face is much more rounded like a normal human. I also how you nutpick to only put in the happy faces but completely ignore the times when he is angry, disappointed or shocked. Why don't you put those faces in? Oh because it further btfos you
>>37246053 >ash then actually expressive, showing a full range of emotions
>ash now looks like the thumbnail from a youtube reaction video
>>37246062 Again you completely avoid the fact that you nitpicked all the points where ash is laughing or smiling. And then again, ash is way more expressive. In the sm anime. Smiling and blushing isnt being expressive. Look at pic related. Tell me one point where Ash is that EXPRESSIVE in the past seasons. Stay butthurt generic shonen trash
>>37246039 >>37246053 >>37246062 >>37246077 It's a good thing both look like trash, just like the anime
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>>37246082 >pic related KAAAAAANTOOOOOOOOO!!!
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>>37246085 Today I learnt Goku has no back and is a hollow being
>>37246053 He looks terrible no matter the expression.
>>37246101 I'll agree that Ash looks like shit bit he's the only one. Stop nitpicking you idiot. Every other CHARACTER and Pokemon looks perfectly fine if not better than before
>>37246105 they look generic and samefaced as fuck no matter what style they're in
>>37246118 Post an image you fuck wad. All youre saying is no. I dont remember Kiawe looking like this through out every episode. You stupid moron
>>37246149 >hurr durr cherrypicked screencaps pls love my animu This is the first time I've ever seen someone say that the anime doesn't look generic as fuck, you're a special one
Face it, the anime has never been good, and will never be good
>>37246159 Literally everyone has been saying that it looks weird or unique . That's literally the opposite of generic. Generic is the past seasons looking like every other shonen anime out there
>>37245904 You're SERIOUSLY pushing for containment on this dead, skeleton ass board right now.
>>37246105 >I'll agree that Ash looks like shit bit he's the only one. Then why the fuck are you defending his design when you admit that looks bad? Also, they did the same shit with team Rocket.
And they look fine? Lmao, they look like inbreeds.
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>>37246199 He's being stupid. When the anime, merch and tcg the only part that is active right now, he wants to prevent any type of discussion happening. He's mindlessly bashing the anime despite the fact that it's pretty comfy despite its flaws.
>>37246182 It's your generic cutesy artstyle to fit in with yet another season of a repetitive kodomo anime
And considering how the recent movies look it'll probably shift into another generic artstyle next season
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>>37246203 >Children and parents look similar >Lol they must be inbred You're clearly inbred if you think that's how genetics works. Also Team Rocket looks fine you moron. They're the best they've been in the series. They aren't just a nuisance, they feel like a family themselves and get multiple development arcs. Reminder this is the only reason where they have beaten Ash in a battle
>>37246215 But you were saying that it looked nothing like the generic rounded style that the new DBS movie and MHA has. Why are you back tracking so quickly.
>Also Kodomo Oh no no no
Honestly the SM anime is so much better than the tryhard Ashnime before it. Pokemon is already corny as shit. Yall need to lighten up and have some fun. It’s not like ash was ever actually gonna win a league anyway. The writing staff realized this and decided to chill out. Why can’t you cringey ass spergs do the same
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>>37246240 This. This is literally my whole point. The reason they can't accept that the anime is good is because they prefer edgy shit writing
>>37246229 >>Also Kodomo >Oh no no no It is
The entire anime is a toy commercial for children, it has no substance to it
No. The current anime isn't totally slice of life shit. Don't even attempt to claim that. It has larger plots going on as well. You can't have both at the same time, it's an automatic contradiction. The anime has always had this flaw, it's just that the roles were reversed this time. Instead of it being a show about battling being interrupted by random shit, it's random shit being interrupted by battling.
>>37246262 The difference between the two is that previously at least they try to expand a region with random shit. Now they just shrunk the region down with random shit to the point that calling it a region is dumb.
>>37246308 Misrepresenting the landscape found in the games is also a flaw that has always been present in the anime. The jury is out on whether that is a good or bad thing. Narratively, it needs to be done, but incorrectly describing something that has already been established elsewhere is a failure of writing. All of that is irrelevant, though, since all we need to know is that it's happened before, which makes it neither better or worse.
>>37246262 It's as if slice of life anime have multiple plot points instead of just one which is one of the main yhingsvthat distinguishes it from other genres
>>37246348 Okay, I'll bite. Explain to me the plot structure of slice of life and I will concede.
>>37246358 Well, I can make an argument that can avoid that anyway. There is a reason different genres exist, and only some of them can mix. Action and slice of life do not. They are two very much opposed ideas. You confuse your message when you do that, which is still a failure to communicate.
>>37246259 so was digimon tamers, and that had a ridiculous amount of substance to it.
pokemon could have done the same, but they didn't let based shudo have full creative freedom, so instead we got the shit known as the ashnime.
>>37246340 The games' landmarks in the games are present while trying to show that at least it's a bigger world. With Alola, they pretty much went the opposite direction.
>>37246387 Irrelevant. It's still an alteration and still confusing information.
>>37245853 I don't really watch the Pokemon anime much anymore, but I've enjoyed this stuff more than what it became by generation 5.
I'll take sloppy art over bland art, slice of life over bullshit pilgrimage, and minor character growth over trying to tell some kind of heroic journey shit that doesn't work anymore with a franchise on this level of age.
>>37246358 Slice of life doesnt have one over arching plot like most anime do. For example the overall plot of One Piece is the journey of finding the One Piece or for Naruto it's to become the Hokage. For slice of life anime, there are multiple stories that take place after one another. Ash is just studying to become a better trainer in Alola because he is 10 and you have to be 11 to become an official trainer in Alola. Along the way, may different things happen that have little to no connection at all. For example, we had the UB arc which has very little impact on the overall story. Same with the charjabug races for example. It's just a day in Ashs life in Alola, or him trying to battle all the Tapus. Him battling Tapus isn't the main focus neither is it beating the e4. It's just a small part of the whole anime which made up of other small stories. If you've read Diary of a Wimpy Kid as a child you would understand what I mean.
>>37246376 The difference there is while Konaka is also a giant nihilist, he at least gave them a pyrrhic victory. That would've been justified even if they never saw the digimon again.
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>>37246372 No you moron. You keep saying that but it's proven every single time that even the most polar genres can coincide. There are comedic horror movies, or Romantic action movies and they work pretty well. No wonder youre such a brainlet. Keep on having such a clowed mind
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>>37246391 There's really nothing confusing about it unless you try mixing the games and the anime together for some retarded reason.
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>>37246397 For this case, I would have to treat it as if it's many smaller stories instead of one big one. I know a collection of smaller stories to not have to have a common theme or even a common genre. I will concede this point.
>>37246398 i'd say the real difference there is that the tamers cast's story was allowed to end.
ash's story has been dragged out well past the point of coherence or relevance, which is why he's now been flanderized into some slice of life shit where none of that matters anymore. the same thing has started happening with digimon adventure now that they've started nostalgia pandering with sequels again, even though they had already run out of ideas all the way back in 02.
Literally your moms anime
What a wonderful thread showcasing just how butthurt the fans of the show are. You can just see how they are so mad that they are getting weird looks from their family when they mention it near them and when the people on this board don't like it either they throw a fit. People don't like the show because they don't like the show either for characters, story, artsyle or some other reasons stop trying to throatshove your opinion into other people But hey you can sperg all you want this is 4chan so go ahead let me see all those sick comebacks and those angry comments
>>37246466 The issue is with what Shudo's original idea was, not what the executives turned it into. He wanted there to be an end, and it was just as unfortunate as the end to Tamers, except that it wasn't justified. It happens for no explainable reason other than to him, nothing can have a good outcome.
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>>37246393 >minor character growth >pokemon oh no
>>37246483 iirc, konaka wasn't originally going to have the portal to the digital world open up at the end of tamers. toei suggested it so that the ending wouldn't be even sadder than it already was.
tpc could have just done that. instead, they took over shudo's whole idea and turned it into a soulless, boring mess. it's now the zombie simpsons of anime. except unlike the simpsons, it was shit from day one.
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>>37246527 My argument is that it would've been justified even if they never did see the digimon again. Shudo just wanted everyone to fail regardless of the matter. It wasn't justified. It might still be sad, but I still find a pyrrhic victory to be justified.
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>imagine watching meme faces the anime every week
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>>37246053 >He looks way more expressive. His emotional range won't go past generic meme smile one and generic meme smile 2.
The fuck you're smoking?
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>>37246203 >Lana's dad >I wish I were Lana's mom Anonymous
>>37245853 >I honestly do not understand one bit of the hate against the anime. Because Ash lost six fucking leagues. There's no progress. Even people who like Ash can't stomach to see him lose another league.
>>37248393 The anime is about adventures with pokemon. That has nothing to do with anyone winning anything.
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>>37246240 >Why can’t you cringey ass spergs do the same Answered your own question right there.
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>>37245853 Maybe, and only maybe, it’s you the one with the shittier taste. Note that I’m saying shittier, it’s not that they don’t have shit taste either: they still watch the anime after all. You just have a shittier one for liking this current season.
>>37246479 People like to double down on their shit whenever they get called out on it. It’s the sunken cost fallacy.
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>>37248421 the "adventures" are as boring as watching paint dry.
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>it's another '/vp/ doesn't understand animation' episode.
Literally your moms anime
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>>37248479 Yeah it's really stupid and it doesn't get them anywhere other than getting a blue face from shouting til they gasp for air
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>>37245879 >Containment thread You mean that place where grown men bitch and cry about which 10 year little girl is 'best girl' and who Ash is gonna marry?
You mean that thread that just get's derailed by pedos wishing to see suggestive pics of 8 year old girls?
You mean that thread where no one actually discusses the anime?
That thread?
>>37245853 SM is the best generation of Pokemon since Diamond and Pearl. That's including the games.
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>>37245891 >DBS better animation than Z LMAO
>>37249829 It's not good to lie, m8.
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>>37246053 Ash is not 12...
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>>37249886 You say that while also lying
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>>37246029 >amourshippers >projecting Anonymous
>>37246479 Nice seeing you being an idiot and taking things out of context. Im not trying to force the anime down someone's throat. If you dont like it then you dont like it. But it's clear some people have made up headcanons and misconceptions and always use that excuse to bash on people who like the anime.
So it's the complete of what you're saying. Its not the people who like the anime bashing people who don't, it's people who don't like it bashing those who do based of stupid misconceptions. And what kind of stupid logic is it to think that it's not okay to have discussion about something just because there are differing opinions. Thags the whole point of discussions you nonce
>>37251086 just watch naruto senpai
it's the same thing
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It's still not better than the other arcs since the anime is mostly randomness anyway.
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>>37251106 I have watched Naruto. I grew up with it. And I think it's one of the reasons Im not as big of a fan of XYZ as others. Think of all the problems the final war arc of naruto had and make a season of the Pokemon anime out of it which is the XYZ anime.