>>37253413>When are we gonna get some dope ass Kaiju starters again?Since everyone else is getting triggered for being called a furfag let's actually adress OP's question:
>Charizard close enough
>Venusaurnot a kaiju
>BlastoiseYeah, fair enough
>Meganium not a kaiju
>Typhlosionnot a kaiju
>Feraligatreeeeeh ok I see it I guess
>Sceptilenot a kaiju
>Blazikennot a kaiju
>Swampertnot a kaiju
I can see Torterra working as a kaiju but OP said "last 4 gens of starters". That means out of 9 starters the first three gen only had 3 kaiju-like starters. Since this has never been a thing and nobody gives a shit about kaijus anymore, you'll be lucky to get 1 in the next 2 or 3 sets of starters.