>>37291510Instead of putting new writting near the end of the game like the usual third versions they poorly attempted to rebuild it from the ground to cram Ultra Necrozma in the main campaing.
Basically, Lusamine now hates Ultra Beasts and thinks she's some sort of messiah to save the world from Necrozma unsing sketchy methods like working with a bunch of people that came from another world (URS) to create a new pokeball (Beast Ball is credited to them in USUM), making Type:Null and torturing the Cosmog to force a portal to open, like in SM. So similar to SM Gladion and Lillie with the help of Wicke escape with Null and Cosmog respectively to stop her because torturing pokemon is bad and she's clearly doing things beyond her compression. She's going hard on that plan because she wants to take the credit and win everyone over with it.
And because the game is clearly rushed as hell, it's a mess and doesn't seamlessly implements the new story, they kept the cutscene of Lillie being afraid of trying new clothes saying her mom picks them and exactly the same character design which just comes off as nonsensical given Lusamine's hatred of UBs. In the altar Lillie says "I got the chance to finally talk with my mother" and they exchanged like two words, the scene with Lillie in the rain was removed and replaced with a random NPC, Plumeria still only has one scene, Ultra Megalopolis is one corridor with not a single thing to interact with. I can't recall everything about this mess, the only salvageable things are Hau, Gladion and Guzma new interactions and development, Mina's trial and the new UBs.
Gameplay wise most trials are better, SOS and Festival Plaza are less painful.