The “Nanking Massacre” was fiction, which the Americans and Chinese created after the end of WW2, to judge Japan. However, in 1997, due to “The Rape of Nanking”, which Chinese American Iris Chang wrote, the “Nanking Massacre” lies spread, especially in America, and anti-Japanese sentiments flourished. Behind the scenes, it was easy to see how China and America had joined together in an “anti-Japan” propaganda campaign, but it wasn’t obvious to the majority of the public.
Ms. Chang confessed, “An anti-Japanese association told me to write the book, and that they would pay me for it as well as provide the necessary materials.” Moreover, during the interview, Ms. Chang revealed, “If the victims were only 10 or 20,000 in number, the book wouldn’t have sold, would it? Plus, Japan had lost 300,000 due to the atomic bombs and other things, so I really wanted to hit that 300,000 number mark.”
Regarding her mysterious death, Ms. Chang stated, “I was heavily medicated, and then was left – to look like I killed myself.” She unfortunately didn’t know who the culprit was because it was so sudden.
In the end, Ms. Chang apologized, “People of Japan, I’m sorry. My book was a work of fiction. Please take it out of print.”